Definitions of sexism as per the dictionary - 1. The belief that people of one sex or gender are inherently superior to people of the other sex or gender. 2.Different treatment or discrimination based on a difference of sex or gender. 3. Disadvantage or unequal opportunity arising from the cultural dominance of one gender over the other. 4. Promotion or expectation or assumption of people to behave in accordance with or deviate from a gender role. It is no hidden fact that we live in a patriarchal society where men have dominated women for centuries and continue to do so. Changes have come but society in its intricacy remains male dominated. This is not a fight between the genders but a thought process. Recently bollywood released a movie "Ki and Ka" where ki stands for the woman and ka for the man. The movie portrays a reversal of roles in a household where the husband aspires to be a perfect housewife and the wife aspires to excel in her profession. Their family, fri...
A Narcissist voicing her extremely confused opinions about everything.